Sunday, August 27, 2006

Unparalleled Craftsmanship

A beautiful aurora borealis forms when electrons collide with atoms of the upper atmosphere
(Above: A beautiful aurora borealis forms when electrons collide with atoms of the upper atmosphere)

A sculpture sits atop a brightly-lit pedestal in a very prominent area of an art museum. We do not see the artisan who crafted this particular piece, but we can draw certain conclusions from it. The finely crafted sculpture is certainly a testament to his skills, but upon closer inspection we can no doubt discern features of his character, and perhaps even glimpse his inner-most and heartfelt desires and dreams. Indeed, his creation is a reflection of himself.

When we gaze upon the stars at night or watch the sun set behind a range of snow-capped mountains we ponder the Artisan who crafted these things. We recognize the sheer skill that was required for such perfect craftsmanship, and the meticulous love that allowed such beauty to be created.

"God saw all that he had made, and it was very good." (Genesis 1:31)


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