Sunday, August 27, 2006

Children of Cosmic Soup or Divine Hands?

The Crab Nebula
(Above: The Crab Nebula is a supernova expanding into space at a rate of 3,348,000 mph)

Modern science has made great strides in portraying our civilization as the illegitimate offspring of a random, cosmic event. Even as the tools available to researchers become more and more advanced there is still a fundamental question looming in the background that, with a deafening voice, begs to be answered: Why?

Why are we here? If we were essentially born from a ball of cosmic "soup" that magically formed into planets and stars and people then what value can our lives possibly have, for we are, in this context, accidents? What was the driving force? And where did the "soup" come from to begin with? What created it?

As the field of secular science burrows deeper and deeper into its exploration of our universe it is indeed answering a lot of questions and gaining a lot of insight into the laws which God established—laws governing matter and life. However, the collective genius of all the world's scientists, coupled with the most advanced technological tools, can not afford man even a tiny glimpse into the enormity of God's knowledge, nor of His purpose for all humans.

Oh, Lord, that we would set our gaze upon You and bring glory to Your name for all the wondrous works of Your hands laid out in majesty before us. Amen.


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